Latch Fundraising offers bespoke training across all areas of Partnerships and Philanthropy Fundraising including topics such as – but not limited to:
Major Donors
Impactful Stewardship
Processes and Procedures
NextGen as Young Philanthropists
Corporate Partnerships
Corporate Partnerships 101
How to Win Long-Term, Multi-Layered Partnerships
Setting Up Corporate Partnerships
Prospect Research
Introduction to Prospect Research
Identifying Prospects
Due Diligence
Overall P&P Fundraising
How to Create A Partnerships and Philanthropy Fundraising Strategy
How to Make the Ask
How to manage a truly successful Partnerships and Philanthropy Team
How to utilise the power of story-telling
Client Testimonial
Lynda delivered an excellent Major Donor Fundraising Masterclass to the national ABF The Soldiers’ Charity staff. This introductory session gave members of the wider fundraising team a valuable insight into the mechanics and essential skills of major donor fundraising, empowering every member of the charity to act as a major donor fundraiser in their day-to-day role. Better still, Lynda has continued to support and guide the charity as we build our new Major Donor Programme, acting as an vital mentor for the team.
Thank you, Lynda, for helping us to develop and grow our Major Donor fundraising strategy into a successful programme!
- Camilla Start: Philanthropy Manager, ABF The Soldiers' Charity -